Investing seems like it should be straightforward: buy when stock is low, sell when its high. Reap the profit. Makes sense especially when you consider the big gains demonstrated by the stock market over the past couple of years. Big margins meant bigger discounts for customers of the financial service industry with the growing popularity […]
Read Article3 Tips for Choosing Your Financial Planner
You know that the right financial planner will help you clear a path to your financial goals and keep up the momentum along the way. But knowing whether your financial advisor is on your side can be harder to nail down. How do you know if your advisor will have the experience and freedom to […]
Read ArticleIs Now the Time to Convert your IRA into a Roth?
There are many different ways you can shelter your savings from taxes. It is a powerful incentive for us to save for retirement. Options give us choices, but choices can confuse as options proliferate. In the name of simplicity, we’ll avoid what is sometimes called the “alphabet soup” of retirement accounts. Instead, let’s spend a […]
Read ArticleA Sea of Tranquility — Not!
Last year, stocks marched higher with only minor pullbacks. When the year ended, the largest peak-to-trough decline for the S&P 500 Index was just under 3%. It was a year that lacked turbulence and rewarded diversified investors. Since the beginning of February, volatility has returned. It’s a reminder that periods of relative tranquility don’t last […]
Read ArticleThe WorthPointe team is grateful for AdvisoryHQ’s recent inclusion of our firm in their Top 10 Best Financial Advisors in Austin, TX list. AdvisoryHQ employs a unique methodology that objectively evaluates the total assets under management (AUM), firm size and quality, as well as the amount of revenue generated by an advisory firm. Being recognized […]
Read ArticleBusting the 5 Biggest Retirement Myths
Urban legends, urban myths, and fake news. Whatever you call it, in our age of information, claims of spurious repute can go viral in minutes. Anyone with a computer can start a blog and offer up opinions on just about any subject, whether he or she is an authority or not. Sources? Who needs sources? […]
Read ArticlePeople want a sense of security — emotionally, physically and financially. The truth of life is that we try to manage a tightrope walk between chaos and order. If somehow we can incrementally achieve some order in a life that seems to gravitate toward chaos, we accomplish a great deal in creating a foundation for […]
Read ArticleThere is a Human Behind that Portfolio
In the wealthiest nation in the history of the planet, people still struggle with resources. They work so hard to achieve success, but without the component of careful planning, they may never get a firm grip on their assets. You need a financial coach just like you need a personal trainer. Someone whose expertise cuts […]
Read ArticleIn 2018, Meet the new boss, same as the old one
Any thoughts that 2018 might start with a pause in the bull market were quickly dispelled in the first week of the year. A “buy the rumor, sell the news” view on tax reform has shaken out to be more aptly described as buy the rumor and buy the news. In our opinion, the credit […]
Read Article401(K) Fees: Grasping at Shadows
“Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.” — Aesop A recent survey conducted by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. revealed just how little people know about the fees they pay for their 401(k) plans. The survey of 1,000 investors found only 27 percent of them know their 401(k) […]
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