How Should You Be Helping Your Aging Parents?
If your parents are over age 75, it might be time for you to provide some assistance to them. Yes, this is tough. Nothing in life has properly prepared you to address the issue of what kind of help you should be providing to your aging parents. There’s certainly a lot to consider, including knowing […]
Read ArticleShould You Consider A Backdoor Roth Conversion?
A recent episode of The John Chapman Show featured a conversation with fellow WorthPointe advisor Matt Addington, CFP® about backdoor Roth conversions — a follow up to a previous episode where the pair talked about Roth conversions in general. During the show, John and Matt talk about the why behind wanting to have a portion […]
Read ArticleWorthPointe advisor John Chapman talked with Senior Care Authority founder Frank Samson about finding the best option for senior housing and care on the latest episode of The John Chapman Show. In addition to stressing the importance of being educated before facing a crisis, the podcast focuses on the differences and pros and cons of […]
Read ArticleProactive Estate Planning
No one likes to talk about their own death, so estate planning is something often put off—or not done at all—with unfortunate consequences. WorthPointe advisor John Chapman talks with estate planning attorney Darlynn Morgan about why it’s so important to have a plan in a recent podcast. In addition to detailing what documents are involved, […]
Read ArticleWe are excited to announce that WorthPointe has been selected among the 12 Best Financial Advisors in San Diego for 2020-2021 by AdvisoryHQ. We believe these types of awards are such a testament to the quality support our advisors bring to our clients and to the high standards of integrity to which we hold ourselves. […]
Read Article2020. Whew! I’m sure we’re all glad that’s over with, but as they say, beware what you ask for. Thankfully, my clients have stayed healthy and have mostly relegated to focusing on other areas of their lives like work, family, and emotional well-being. That’s great news, as there are many less fortunate who are still […]
Read ArticleFinancial Advisor magazines’s 2020 RIA Ranking is out—ranking 715 registered investment advisors based on their year-end 2019 assets under management. WorthPointe is found in the asset category of $500 million to less than $1 billion, at nearly $624 million, landing at #416. Another statistic provided—22.76 percent growth in assets per client—is a point of pride […]
Read ArticlePresidential Elections and Investing
With the 2020 election just around the corner, many people may be wondering how the stock market might react and if they should be reviewing their investments leading up to November 3. Understanding that, WorthPointe advisor John Chapman dedicated a recent podcast to this topic—and his interview of WorthPointe CEO Christopher Van Slyke provides some […]
Read ArticleMany financial advisors have their reasons for going solo. They want to maintain control of client relationships, be their own boss, and increase their earning potential. But somewhere along the way, the excitement wears off. Things get complicated. The tedious task of running your own business sinks in, and you begin to feel overwhelmed. Sound […]
Read Article5 Myths About Retirement Planning
As I work with more people to help them plan for retirement, I realize there are a lot of myths floating around about the planning process. Here are five of them — debunked. Myth 1: A financial advisor will help me pick stocks to beat the market. While investments are important, they’re only one slice […]
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