
What Can a High School Coach from Arkansas Teach Us About Investing?

posted on July 10th 2015 in Austin CFP Team Posts & Your Financial Advisor with 0 Comments

Kevin Kelley is an Arkansas high school football coach who almost never punts the ball.  When he first arrived at Pulaski Academy, local fans were furious and confused by his coaching strategy.   Kelley says he stumbled upon research done by a Harvard college professor. The main theme of the professor’s paper was that conventional […]

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3 Important Investment Mistakes to Avoid in 2015 and Beyond by Morgan Smith

posted on May 29th 2015 in Austin CFP Team Posts & Your Financial Advisor with 0 Comments

Mistake #1: Diversifying by Hiring Multiple Financial Firms   Many investors want their investments diversified. This is a good thing for those who want to reduce many of the risks associated with investing, but the mistaken perception of what diversification actually means causes investors to have some strange ideas.One of the things I’ve heard people […]

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Is it the IRS…or a Scammer? Don’t Be Fooled! By Kermit Johns

posted on April 28th 2015 in Austin CFP Team Posts & Newsletters & Your Financial Advisor with 0 Comments

A client recently told me about a call he received from the Internal Revenue Service that seemed suspicious. The caller left an urgent callback request, but he was not adept at representing himself as an IRS agent. Regardless, my client was concerned about the IRS having access to his fee-based investment account.   Unfortunately, this […]

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Why Some Uber Drivers Are Losing Money

posted on April 6th 2015 in Austin CFP Team Posts & Market Commentary with 0 Comments


COST DEPRECIATION, CARS, AND UBER As a Certified Financial Planner® professional, I’ve been talking with clients about cost depreciation for years. The concept can be a little difficult to grasp, but it’s perhaps most clear when discussing automobiles, new cars in particular. Surely you’ve heard that when you drive your new car off the lot, […]

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