Financial Advisor Magazine has named WorthPointe one of the top 50 Fastest Growing RIA Firms. We dedicate this award to our clients, we owe our growth to your trust in us. As WorthPointe continues to grow and add top financial planners in San Diego, Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth, and Orange County, we are committed to maintaining the highest level of service. We look forward to growing with you.
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WorthPointe Recognized in Financial Advisor Magazine’s 2023 Registered Investment Advisor Rankings
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WorthPointe Recognized in Financial Advisor Magazine’s 2021 Registered Investment Advisor Rankings
September 28, 2021 - WorthPointe has been named on Financial Advisor’s annual survey and ranking of independent registered investment advisors (RIAs) for 2021. The list ranks firms based on assets under management as of December 31, 2020, based on firms that voluntarily complete and...
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The Morgan Report Q2 2021 Review – Invest in Coffee!
July 23, 2021 - On July 12, The Wall Street Journal reported coffee prices were soaring due to drought in Brazil, the world's biggest coffee producer. With the prospects of coffee demand exceeding supply, it would seem readily apparent that coffee prices will continue...
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WorthPointe on the Barron’s 2021 Top Advisor Rankings by State
May 4, 2021 - We are excited to once again be named to the Barron’s Top Advisor list—this time for 2021. The Barron’s list is ranked by state and you can find us under Christopher Van Slyke, our founder in Wyoming, although our team...
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The Morgan Report Q1 2021 Review – An Advocate for Your Values
April 19, 2021 - The last year has been full of challenges that negatively affected our lives. As individuals and families, we’ve had to adjust and be resilient—qualities that will not only help us be successful in life, but in investing as well. The...
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